Post By: CERTEX Danmark A/S

Mobile Jib Crane for Welltec

Welltec has opened welding departments in Brazil, Russia, USA and Saudi Arabia, which means that their department in Esbjerg is very busy packing many units of the approx. 30 kg Assembly kit. This is where the mobile jib crane comes in handy, since it will make the process of packing the units far more efficient as well as making it easier for the employees to keep up with the pipeline.

The crane is a Mobilus MOB WLL 20 kg jib crane with 4 m outreach. What is special about this crane is that it is 100% mobile and requires no fastening, which means that it fast and easily can be moved around. Find out more about the jib crane here.

The crane is delivered together with our partner VETTER Krantechnik.

Find some of our jib cranes below