Post By: CERTEX Danmark A/S

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear customer and partner to CERTEX Danmark A/S

In CERTEX Denmark A/S, we follow the Danish government's recommendations to do what we can to avoid the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

We now take the following precautions:

  • CERTEX Danmark A/S does not accept external guests in any of our departments.
  • We accept delivery and shipment of goods but loading/unloading must be done outside. Please call the phone number on the door sign.
  • All physical meetings are converted to conference calls or video conference calls and canceled when this is not possible.

During the next two weeks, many of our employees will work from home and there will be limited staff at our offices. Our employees have full access to our systems and can work and service our customers as normal.

To get in touch with us, we refer to our main number +45 74 54 14 37.

Contact info for specific departments can be found here on our website.

Please pass on this information to relevant people in your organization.

We appreciate your understanding.


Best regards

Majbritt Petersen

Managing Director, CERTEX Danmark A/S


Download a PDF of this information here.