Post By: CERTEX Danmark A/S

CERTEX Danmark installs new cranes at Palsgaard Spær

Palsgaard Spær needed e crane solution to help them handle rafters that can weigh between 20 – 400 kg and in lengths up to 40 meters. The cranes were to be installed in connection with the reopening of their rafter production in the city of Slagelse.

In one crane a hydraulic crane is installed, which is used to clamp toothed plate timber connectors in the rafters. The other one is used to lift and move the rafters using lifting chains.

Support and project coordinator Steen Mortensen states that they are happy with their new crane solution and that they experienced a very good service from our team.

Crane specifications:

  • CERTEX-Niko light overhead crane
  • WLL: 250 – 500 kg and 2 x 1000 kg
  • With Liftket hoist
  • Motorized crane drive

Learn more about the Niko light cranes.